Gösta Bylund is the original author of the Dairy Processing Handbook. The first edition was published in the early ‘80s and has been updated many times since then.

Gösta Bylund

Bozena Malmgren

Chapter 9 Long-life milk, 16 Condensed milk and chapter 18 Recombined milk products

Senior Dairy Technologist, Ph.D.

Born in the Czech Republic

Personal interest: Dancing and languages (speaks 6 ½ languages)

Reading tip: chapter 9, standard UHT process reduce the number of sporoformic microorganisms by minimum 9 logarithms – it means from 1,000,000,000 spore only 1 may survive. Chapter 16, sweetened condensed milk where sugar in water concentration is 62.5 – 64.5 % is self-preserving. Chapter 18, almost all products which can be produced from fresh milk can be produced even by using milk powder.