Online Licensing

Healthcare professionals may renew their license or registration online using a Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover credit card. Your credit card payment is processed as a secure, encrypted transaction for your protection.

The Virginia Department of Health Professions is including an online renewal Personal Identification Number (PIN) with each License Renewal Notice sent out. The License Renewal Notice is sent out approximately 60 days before your license is scheduled to expire. Please note that you must have your username and password or this PIN to renew through the Web site.

If you have not received a PIN or have lost your username and password, please email the Agency's Call Center at Please provide the following information in your request:

To see if your profession can renew online check this list.

Using Online Licensing users can now:

Please have your license number, Username/password or PIN , and credit card ready before beginning the online renewal process.

If you are a first time visitor to the Online Licensing site please register as a New User using your PIN and License number as provided in your Renewal Notice.

If you have already logged into the Online Licensing site and have established your username and password continue to the Login page.

If you have questions about the process please view our Frequently Asked Questions.