Trump’s Emergency Declaration Is the First Since 9/11 to Authorize Military Action

President Trump’s plan to divert military construction money to fund a border wall is an unusual use of emergency powers. Just once in the last four decades has an emergency declaration authorized military action: in 2001, after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. (Some declarations were subsequently amended to include a call for military action.)

National Emergency Declarations Since 1976

Presidents typically invoke emergency powers to impose sanctions on foreign individuals, groups or nations that threaten national security, though they have also been used domestically amid public health crises and to regulate exports.

Since the National Emergencies Act was passed in 1976, seven presidents have declared dozens of national emergencies, and 32 are still active .

National Emergency Declarations by President

Donald J. Trump

Feb. 15, 2019 military action

Taken to build a border wall »

Nov. 27, 2018 sanctions

Imposed on individuals contributing to unrest in Nicaragua »

Sept. 12, 2018 sanctions

Imposed for foreign interference in a United States election »

Dec. 20, 2017 sanctions

Imposed on individuals involved in human rights abuses or corruption »

Barack Obama

Nov. 22, 2015 sanctions

Imposed on individuals contributing to unrest in Burundi »

April 1, 2015 sanctions

Imposed on individuals engaging in cyberattacks on the United States »

March 8, 2015 sanctions

Imposed on individuals contributing to unrest in Venezuela »

May 12, 2014 sanctions

Imposed on individuals contributing to conflict in Central African Republic »

April 3, 2014 sanctions

Imposed on individuals contributing to unrest in South Sudan »

March 6, 2014 sanctions

Imposed on individuals contributing to unrest in Ukraine »

June 25, 2012 sanctions

Imposed on the Russian government over the disposal of highly enriched uranium from nuclear weapons »

May 16, 2012 sanctions

Imposed on individuals involved in unrest in Yemen »

July 24, 2011 sanctions

Imposed on transnational criminal organizations »

Feb. 25, 2011 sanctions

Imposed on Libya »

April 12, 2010 sanctions

Imposed on individuals contributing to conflict in Somalia »

Oct. 23, 2009 health care waiver

Provided to hospitals addressing the swine flu pandemic »

George W. Bush

June 26, 2008 sanctions

Imposed on North Korea »

Aug. 1, 2007 sanctions

Imposed on individuals undermining democracy in Lebanon »

Oct. 27, 2006 sanctions

Imposed on individuals contributing to conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo »

June 16, 2006 sanctions

Imposed on individuals undermining democracy in Belarus »

Feb. 7, 2006 sanctions

Imposed on individuals contributing to conflict in Ivory Coast »

July 22, 2004 sanctions

Imposed on Liberia »

May 11, 2004 sanctions

Imposed on Syria »

May 22, 2003 legal protections

Declared for property belonging to the Development Fund for Iraq »

March 6, 2003 sanctions

Imposed on individuals undermining democracy in Zimbabwe »

Sept. 23, 2001 sanctions

Imposed on individuals committing, threatening or supporting terrorism »

Sept. 14, 2001 military action

Taken in response to the Sept. 11 attacks »

Aug. 17, 2001 trade regulations

Renewed presidential control over United States exports »

June 26, 2001 sanctions

Imposed on individuals engaged in violence in the Balkans »

Bill Clinton

Jan. 18, 2001 trade regulations

Imposed to prohibit diamond imports from Sierra Leone »

June 21, 2000 sanctions

Imposed on the Russian government over the disposal of highly enriched uranium from nuclear weapons »

July 4, 1999 sanctions

Imposed on the Taliban »

June 9, 1998 sanctions

Imposed on the governments of Yugoslavia, Serbia and Montenegro in response to conflict in Kosovo »

Nov. 3, 1997 sanctions

Imposed on Sudan »

May 20, 1997 sanctions

Imposed on Myanmar »

March 1, 1996 maritime regulations

Imposed on vessels in Cuban waters »

Oct. 21, 1995 sanctions

Imposed on drug traffickers in Colombia »

March 15, 1995 sanctions

Imposed on transactions involving Iranian oil »

Jan. 23, 1995 sanctions

Imposed on individuals threatening the Middle East peace process »

Nov. 14, 1994 weapons restrictions

Imposed on the proliferation of nuclear and chemical weapons »

Oct. 25, 1994 sanctions

Imposed on Bosnian-Serb forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina »

Sept. 29, 1994 weapons restrictions

Imposed on the proliferation of nuclear and chemical weapons »

Aug. 19, 1994 trade regulations

Renewed presidential control over United States exports »

June 30, 1994 trade regulations

Renewed presidential control over United States exports »

Sept. 30, 1993 weapons restrictions

Imposed on the proliferation of nuclear and chemical weapons »

Sept. 26, 1993 sanctions

Imposed on the political group Unita in Angola »

George Bush

May 30, 1992 sanctions

Imposed on the governments of Yugoslavia, Serbia and Montenegro »

Oct. 4, 1991 sanctions

Imposed on Haiti »

Nov. 16, 1990 sanctions

Imposed on the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons »

Sept. 30, 1990 trade regulations

Renewed presidential control over United States exports »

Aug. 2, 1990 sanctions

Imposed on Iraq »

Ronald Reagan

April 8, 1988 sanctions

Imposed on Panama »

Jan. 7, 1986 sanctions

Imposed on Libya »

Sept. 9, 1985 sanctions

Imposed on South Africa »

May 1, 1985 sanctions

Imposed on Nicaragua »

March 30, 1984 trade regulations

Renewed presidential control over United States exports »

Oct. 14, 1983 trade regulations

Renewed presidential control over United States exports »

Jimmy Carter

April 17, 1980 sanctions

Imposed on Iran »

Nov. 14, 1979 sanctions

Imposed on Iran after the Iran hostage crisis »

Source: Brennan Center for Justice at New York University | Note: Continuations of national emergencies that did not significantly amend or expand on original declarations are not included. A 2005 proclamation by President George W. Bush that cited the National Emergencies Act but did not declare an emergency was not included.