Macmillan Programmes and placements

Your first career opportunity

Programmes and placements

Our early career opportunities give you a perfect safe and supportive programme to get you started in the world of work.

Your next career opportunity

Your next career

If your considering a change of career, we offer apprentices for those with experience too. Our ‘Mac-zimise your Career apprenticeships offers you the opportunity to put your strengths, skills and experience into something new.

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Volunteering opportunities and work Experience Placements

Hear from the people

Hear Mercy Sondwapo talk about why they chose to complete their internship with Macmillan.

I got an internship with Macmillan through Change100 which is an organisation that aims to increase visibility and opportunities for people with disabilities or neurodiversity. I wanted to work in the charity sector with a focus on either health or social change.

I got an internship with Macmillan through Change100 which is an organisation that aims to increase visibility and opportunities for people with disabilities or neurodiversity. I wanted to work in the charity sector with a focus on either health or social change. Thankfully, Macmillan encompasses most of the issues I am passionate about, so it was a good fit as I was able to support my passion for health and medicine, whilst also developing and applying the skills I have learned in my studies regarding social and political matters. Additionally, I was appreciative of the working culture as I learned through reading my contract that I wouldn’t have to work over 40 hours, and that I can have flexibility around how I work my contracted hours. I have never had this experience before, and as someone who experiences multiple health issues, it was such an amazing experience to know that I would have the opportunity to work to the best of my ability without having to sacrifice my wellbeing.

Hear Lucy Richards talk about why they chose to complete their internship with Macmillan.

I was really interested in working within the charity sector and had a keen interest in marketing which I was looking to pursue further. When I saw the internship available at Macmillan, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to do this whilst making a positive difference.